Quotation Explorer - 'Friedrich Schiller'

O friends, no more these sounds!Let us sing more cheerful songs, more full of joy! - Friedrich Schiller
Every true genius is bound to be naive. - Friedrich Schiller
Grace is the beauty of form under the influence of freedom. - Friedrich Schiller
Be noble minded! Our own heart, and not other men's opinions of us, forms our true honor. - Friedrich Schiller
Only through Beauty's morning-gate, dost thou penetrate the land of knowledge. - Friedrich Schiller
If you cannot please everyone with your deeds and your art, please a few. To please many is bad. - Friedrich Schiller
Drum prüfe, wer sich ewig bindet, ob sich das Herz zum Herzen findet! Der Wahn ist kurz, die Reu ist lang. - Friedrich Schiller
While the gods remained more human, the men were more divine. - Friedrich Schiller
Das Weib ist nicht schwach. ich will in meinem Beisein nichts von der Schwäche des [weiblichen] Geschlechts hören. Elisabeth, II, 3 - Friedrich Schiller
Disappointments are to the soul what a thunderstorm is to the air. - Friedrich Schiller
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